Technical Support Control Panel

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Coastline operates Windows2000 servers running, IIS5, which means we can support Active Perl to our knowledgeable customers.  We do not offer any technical support on how to use Active Perl.  Our server is not .NET compliant, however, it does support Visual InterDev 6.

What is Perl?
Perl is a sophisticated programming language based on C and supported by a legion of programmers.

What is ActivePerl™?
ActivePerl™ is a program based on Perl 5.6 that is installed on Windows servers that allow Perl to be interpreted safely and securely.   

Do I have to get Coastline to do anything to make my site Perl-ready?
No.  You just need to verify in your control panel that scripting is enabled (if you don't see a line saying "Enable Scripting," then it is.)  Just upload your site.  If you are uncertain whether you are on one of the Win2000 servers or one the NT4 computers (which don't offer Perl) then please contact Technical Support.  If you need Perl and are on NT4, we would be more than happy to move your site to Win2000.