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Set up your sales tax in the Billing Maintenance screen.  CoastCart will compute sales tax for your home state.  Place the two digit initials in the "Tax State" field.  If you do not put a state in this field, tax will not be collected.  You will need to specify the sales tax rate in decimal terms. For example, if the tax rate is 5.5%, this  translates into a decimal rate of .055. 



Set up your shipping parameters in the Billing Maintenance screen.  


There are seven different shipping models available.   

  1. None - No shipping at all.  This would be useful if you are selling e-books or downloadable software.  No shipping will be charged.

  2. Flat Rate - One rate for any order.  For example, you charge $15 for shipping regardless of where a customer resides.  You would fill in "Shipping Flat Rate." This is a currency figure.

  3. Per Item - Shipping is charged as a combination of flat rate and item rates.  The number of total items will be multiplied by the shipping rate, which you will enter in "Shipping Rate" as a currency figure.  This amount is then added to a base fee, which is entered under "Shipping Flat Rate." 

  4. By Weight - Shipping will be charged based on the weight of items sold.  When choosing this option, it is important to put the weights of all items in the Item Maintenance form.  The Cart will compute the shipping by multiplying the Shipping Rate by the Weight. This is a currency number.

  5. Percentage - Shipping is computed based on a certain percentage of the total bill.  Put the value in "Shipping Rate."  If you had 8% shipping you would enter .08 as the percentage number.

  6. By Items - Each item has a flat rate for the shipping fee and is a currency.  There is no base fee charged and this entered in the Item Maintenance menu. 

  7. Layered - Although this is the most complex shipping model, it is the favored model of many catalogs and online stores.  The customer knows how much shipping is charged based on how much they purchase.  In the example below, customers who spend $19 will pay $8.00 in shipping.  It is important in this model to cover all prices.  It would be easy to say shipping ranges from 1 - 10, 11-20 and 20-30.  What if somebody's order comes to 20.51?  (Shipping is computed after tax.)  Therefore, you need to enter the ranges 0-10, 10.01 - 20, and 20.01-30.


Also, make note of the following two fields.  They will override any values received.


Shipping Minimum Charge - This is the smallest rate that will be charged for shipping.


Shipping Maximum Charge -  This is the highest rate that will be charged for shipping.


It is important to note that the Shipping Rate field is used in more than one instance.  This field is a variable number and can be either a percentage or a currency amount.  Either way, this figure will be multiplied to achieve a final shipping amount.  This field is used in three different shipping models:  By Weight, Percentage, and Per Item. 

